Friday 8 November 2013

Realistic Ball Bounce

This is my realistic ball bounce that I made in Flash I positioned the ball in each frame and squished and squashed the ball.

Monday 4 November 2013

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Blog Question 1

I think that the court or police should not go after pictures because people can Photoshop a lot of stuff now like how we can change the pictures colour and change the way they look so I think photos shouldn't be involved in evidence against someone.

3D Pop Up Picture

on this picture i made a border around the cat just below his head and added another layer of the cat, then i changed the perspective of the border to make it look like it was 3D.

Pop Art

For my pop art I took a Grey with the paint brush tool and coloured the things i wanted to change the colour of , then i changed the blend to multiply and changed the Hue and Saturation to a diferent colour.

Rainbow Eye

For this picture I just coloured the eye around the pupil with the paint brush tool and just changed the blend to Overlay.

Monday 7 October 2013

Animal Blending

This is a picture i made by take a mouth of a shark and putting it on the Seal's face, i used the clone stamp to blend the mouth into his face. then i took green cat eyes and put them on his eyes and used the clone stamp again to blend his eyes on.

Thursday 3 October 2013

Crack and Peel Picture

In this photo I took a picture of a face and put a circuit on his face, then i took peeling rust and put it over the circuit to make it look like it was in his skin, i made a levels layer next and put it under my two pictures and coloured black on the layer to make a hole in the background.and then put a background in the back.

Ethics and Aesthetics

Ethics are rules that we define what we think is good and bad. Aesthetics are what we think is beautiful.

It is ethically not acceptable for people to Photoshop pictures that are on the news. But it is aesthetically acceptable for people to Photoshop pictures of models to make them skinnier for a magazine.

Monday 30 September 2013

Liquify Tool

This is the before and after of a UFC fighter. I used the Blow Tool in Photoshop on his muscles to make it look like he had bigger muscles than he already had.

Monday 23 September 2013

Cloning and Healing Picture
This photo I took the lady in the picture and cloned Rory and put him on the right side. Then i took a cat and put him behind the guys.
Cloning and Healing Picture
 I used the Clone Stamp Tool, Spot Healing Brush Tool and the Healing Brush Tool to make this picture in Photoshop Elements.

Friday 20 September 2013

Background Replacement On The Beach 
In this picture I took the women on the right from a different picture and put her on the beach. Then i used the Burn Tool to make it look like she was sun burnt a lot. I also used the Eclipse Tool to make a circle and put text in it. 
Background Replacement Matrix

In this photo i selected around the lady with the quick selection tool and added a background behind her.

Power Clip
To make this picture I put a picture in Photoshop Elements, then I put text over the picture. I put my background picture over top of the text and pressed Ctrl-G.

Thursday 5 September 2013